Mindfulness is a major trend on the rise that has slowly captured a large and dynamic group of people. Although mindfulness is something that has been naturally available to us, many of us are only realizing the power of this self-contained tool today. Yes – you are reading this correctly, mindfulness is like a tool that we have been carrying with us for years. Mindfulness is like an in-built tool that we can access to help manage our brain and mental health. Like anything we do in life, such as writing a bike, cooking, solving equations – we need to practice! Practice makes this tool more accessible and available for use.
Many people are burning out and dealing with mental health issues due to their high demanding and fast paced lives. Overloading the brain with the millions of tasks waiting to be completed has resulted to the increase in stress, anxiety, and mental health issues. In trying to balance and cope with their busy lives, people are turning towards their inner selves and learning how to access this amazing toolbox that we are equipped with. Since our brain and mental health play in integral part in our overall functioning, it’s quite essential to maintain their shape and health.
Well, we know that mindfulness is like a tool that we can access, but many people don’t quite know what is mindfulness exactly, and the various ways in which it can be applied and used for. The benefits of mindfulness are immense, even when applying techniques of mindfulness for beginners that many studies have been conducted to better understand mindfulness and the brain. Hence, let’s explore in brief, what is mindfulness and its applications so that we can have a good general understanding of what is mindfulness here at Still Mind Now. Furthermore, we offer exercises and techniques to help you practice mindfulness.